28 February 2009

Celebrity Mugshots

Everyones favorite celebs get taken down a peg or two by the strong arm of the law.

School bus driver takes unruly kids to police station

A school bus driver took his unruly passengers to a police station in Australia after he was hit on the back of the head by a lollipop.

Graham King said he was worried he might get into trouble but police officers described his decision as "fantastic".

Read More.

The internet is evil

The internet is pure evil, don't use it or you'll go to jail.

Fail of the day

I guess the books aren't all that good.

Found this whilst wandering around my local.

Spot the Photoshop fail

Monkeys behind the computers.

More Photoshop disasters here.

Beach Balls


Carzy Invention #2: Wrist Water Bottle

An alternative to fanny packs and having to carry water bottles while exercising. This new hands-free approach is simple and easy to use. You just fill them up with water and go!
Hmmmmm...  fail.

Crazy Invention #1: Wake-N-Bacon

An alarm clock that wakes you up with the smell and sizzle of cooking bacon. This clock gently wakes you up with the mouthwatering aroma of a real strip of bacon, just like waking up on a Sunday morning to the smell of Mom cooking breakfast.

Improv Everywhere High 5 mission


Totally Looks Like

At totallylookslike.com

Fail for the day

And todays fail is...  

Stick Death Anti-auto theft devices

More Stick Death here and here.

27 February 2009

Exit 8

I think they're going to rename it to 'Exit 8'.

Stoopid thief locks himself in car he was trying to steal

In the latest tale of criminal masterminds at work, an Australian car thief was arrested after he managed to accidentally lock himself in the vehicle he was trying to steal.

Cyanide and Happiness

More funniness here.

Anne Taintor vintage humor

Hectic Asian photographer

Found here.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Looks a good one.

Old lady sets off airbag

26 February 2009