10 March 2009

The Chasers Ad Road Test

Funny, funny, funny.

Failing with dignity


More stickin' it to the teacher goodness here.

Nigga please cereal

Ahhh.. Chris Rock you funny man!

Burst into flames!

It would probally happen too.


Ever what?

Crackhead are you!


Freakish animals that want to kill you!

The pic above is of a Vampire Squid, or Vampyroteuthis infernalis (which literally translates as “vampire squid from hell”), is another inhabitant of the deep sea, usually found in temperate and tropical oceans and was actually incorrectly identified as an octopus when it was first spotted. Despite its fearsome appearance, the Vampire Squid feeds mainly on small crustaceans such as copepods and prawns, but it would probably envelop your head and feed on that if it could.
Read Full Article.

Worlds most retarded teacher

What a douche bag!

Found here.

Car vs Bus vs Bicycle

Hmmmm, I wonder which one is better for the enviroment?

09 March 2009

Why hasn't anyone thought of this combo before!?

It would go great with the 'Grilled Beef Steak with Souce'.


Why Americans should never be allowed to travel

A few real stories provided by travel agents. Funny and sad at the same time.

Read article here.


It gets pretty boring standing on that podium all day.

Epic fail of the day

Baseball pansy

"Oh gross a baseball!"

Wicked awesome dude

Damn straight.


Cute and cuddly?

I think not!

How to be a photoshop spaz

Believe it or not this is a real book. You can buy it on Amazon.com, and while your there you can also pick up 'How to create people with no necks in Photoshop CS3', 'The Art of using shadow to hide your nasty Photoshop work', and 'Forgetting to Photoshop in peoples elbows is the cool thing to do'

08 March 2009

This is how giraffes sleep!

Israeli Military Shooting Gaza Farmers

18th February 2009 Israeli forces shot a twenty year-old Palestinian farmer as he worked his land in the village of Al-Faraheen, east of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. 

07 March 2009

Insane discoveries that science can't explain

We like to feel superior to the people who lived centuries ago, what with their mud huts and curing colds by drilling a hole in their skulls. But we have to give them credit: They left behind some artifacts that have left the smartest of modern scientists scratching their heads.

My dear fellow

Found on Reddit.

Pirates is the word

Maybe have a shower and you might get further. 

06 March 2009

05 March 2009

Dumb people buying dumb things

This Dorito chip that seems to resemble the Popes hat sold for $1209. The Chadwick family apparently opened a bag of Doritos to find this little treasure inside. An online casino was the lucky buyer. 

More stupid buys here.

Painting the town whale blood red

Found -> here.

'Guard' gets away with $144K church deposit

Police are looking for a brazen thief who went to Lincoln’s Berean Church dressed as an armored service guard — and walked away with nearly $145,000.

A man who appeared to be a guard with an armored car service walked into the church’s financial office Tuesday morning and told a woman he was there to pick up the deposit, said Lincoln Police Officer Katie Flood.

When the woman said he was a little early, his response sounded plausible enough, Flood said.

GE 3D trickery

Check it out here.

Parking inside an Apple Store

(click on image for gif movie)

The car park was full so they tried the next best thing.

Fail of the day

Kangaroo - 1
Douche in knitted sweater - 0

03 March 2009

Redneck Rollercoaster

Heck yeah y'all!!

Honest Products

Lol death

Fun times!

The future according to Microsoft

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-GB&amp;playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:a517b260-bb6b-48b9-87ac-8e2743a28ec5&amp;showPlaylist=true&amp;from=shared" target="_new" title="Future Vision Montage">Video: Future Vision Montage</a>

Looks pretty cool.
Found hither.

What happens when you park in a restricted area


Urban Camouflage

Spot the guy.
Found here.

Why the Media shouldn't get pictures off Google

Look closely.

02 March 2009

Superuseless Superpower

Your gaze isn't strong enough to burn through anything, just strong enough to point things out. Makes prolonged eye contact particularly awkward and painful during romantic dinners and job interviews. 

Surprising statistic

It takes 1,120 litres of water to produce a single litre of the coffee, once growing the beans, packaging and so on are measured.
Read more here.

Awesome HDR images

Trent from Punchy

Trent from Punchy. Apparently a random guy that lives in Punchbowl, Australia.
However some say its a fake and the Trent is actually an actor by the name of Nick Boshier. Read here.

Beached as bro!

Before you ascend the Great Wall...

..make sure your heart doesn't have cerebral disease.

999,999th Visitor!

Mr Gates

Via punditkitchen.com

Fail of the day

Jihad fail.

What's this 'Facebook' you speak of?

Unfortunately, yes, yes they are.

Not quite bright

I really hope this is a joke..

Why do earphone cords tangle the instant you put them in your pocket?

I found this question recently posted on Reddit.com
This always happens to me, so pretty interesting read.

Reddit thread.

Pinocchio Paradox

Via Reddit.

Chuck Norris Lolz

Sam the Koala

Awesome story.

Wikipedia article here.

Yo Dawg!

More memes.

Fail of the day

I would not want to know what Grandma tastes like.

Cyanide and Happiness


28 February 2009

Celebrity Mugshots

Everyones favorite celebs get taken down a peg or two by the strong arm of the law.

School bus driver takes unruly kids to police station

A school bus driver took his unruly passengers to a police station in Australia after he was hit on the back of the head by a lollipop.

Graham King said he was worried he might get into trouble but police officers described his decision as "fantastic".

Read More.

The internet is evil

The internet is pure evil, don't use it or you'll go to jail.